How to build stories for making a great movie?

Cinema; the thought of it, the emotions, Heroes, heroines, action sequences, the story and what not brings great feelings. Cinemas are made of stories. Stories are mostly about love, good verses bad, heart touching, memorable actions, twists, turns and melodrama. We see people making movies for mainstream audience and some young aspiring artists making movies for online channels such as YouTube, waiting for a big break.

Stories are created from live events, from the rich imagination of some, some follow the proven formula, some come from historical events and some follow a template theme. One such template is called “story spine”, originally created by playwright Author Kenn Adams, is a tool for creating well-structured stories. The template helps to quickly build a story. It consists of

The platform.  Examples..

          Once upon a time….

           A man walking on a road ..

The catalyst

          But one day..

          Suddenly something happened to the man walking on the road..

The consequences

          Because of that….

          The Man started chasing another man

The climax

          Until finally..

          The man stopped the other and said “hello friend”…

The resolution

          Ever since then..

          The moral of the story is..

          The man and the friend both went to a restaurant and recollect their memories.

Then there is another way of building stories , called what story, how story and why story.

What story.  They simply tell what happened  


          A story about an incidence that happened in a village….

          A story about a family that saw their ancestors…

          Boy meets a girl and falls in love but friends don’t like it….

How story. Stories that tell how that happened.

          There is a big hole made in a haunted house.. Villagers are thinking how that could be..

          how are ancestors show up like that …

          How can friends think the boy should not love the girl..

Why story,  analysis of the issue.

          Villagers found some ancient coins near that house…

          Why are the ancestors interested in that house…

          When the boy talked to the friends they told a story about their childhood incidence…

So by having a template like above we can make our imagination work to create stories. Modern cinemas are now made using cutting edge technologies and are influenced by modern society’s change of tastes.

Now being a Software guy I thought of creating a cinema template in the form of a flow chart. I’m using Microsoft word flow chart diagrams , so there will be a limit to my imaginations. But let me try.

The idea is to create a flow chart which can give us multiple choices for a particular theme. The flow chart enables us to come up with several logical conclusions while building some complex themes. So this template will be quite useful to test different ideas with a particular theme.

To create some great stories the trick is not to use the language Cinema people use. We have to change the language in order to come up with more creative stories. one such tip is to select a word and build a story on that word. For example in my flowchart i used a word called “Whisper”.

 I know there are experts on movies but I just want the movie makers to know that we can use innovative way of building stories. Ultimately I love to watch movies that are refreshing, touch the raw nerve, memorable, different and at the same time make me laugh. I made a story while building this template but want you,  the reader to build on the different choices I gave for the story to build your own story out of it. Please do write your conclusions to the story i created as comments…

Story telling
The flow chart for making Movies by RK skillsnest.. Better life with Best practices.

How to build a Start-up from a real Challenge from

“Live and think like a child. Or have that childlike curiosity and wonder. That’s probably the most important trait you can have, especially as an entrepreneur.  Brian Chesky, Cofounder of Airbnb”

Being an entrepreneur can be challenging, rewarding, frustrating, satisfying, disappointing, and exhilarating. But when you look back at your efforts you will have a state of mind called Bliss. You will never regret for trying your best even if you did not realize your dream.

In order to help you in your journey of becoming an entrepreneur I have taken up a real case of a start-up challenge on the portal and will explain how to create a start up from this.

Here is the link to the real challenge posted on the  site   “Platform technologies for reducing the burden of Diseases (Communicable and Non-communicable diseases”

The problem (opportunity): is to prevent communicable and non-communicable disease from spreading.

Below I explained how to analyse, define, design and create a new Start-up on the above opportunity

A start up means there uncertainty, sweat, stress, self-doubt that one has to overcome first.

First finding a Good name for the start-up. In this case let’s call this company as “Consolidated Wellbeing Management Systems (CWMS)”

First step is to get clear idea of the opportunity by having a business model canvas.

Business model canvas

The Business Model Canvas offers a concise tool for thinking through the business and keeping the key points highly visible to you, your team and all other stakeholders.

Now we need to visualize the company’s present and future operations in the form of a Infographic. I used D3JS Java script , PHP and Xammp  and developed the following structure. You may consider using other software tools.

Like a well-built home, great software focuses on giving its users hundreds of small, satisfying interactions.

“It looks different, it feels different and it sounds different.” Should be the feeling users should have.

We wanted to build something that can be used by many people from diverse backgrounds. Before writing the first line of code you should do some research, make plans, create to-do lists and sketches, and try to visualize what you will want to have in the end.

Since the Layout is too big to fit into one screen I have sliced it into multiple screenshots as follows to show the complete start-up hierarchy and its activities

The most important points to remember for a start-up is to know the last mile i.e you should be able to visualize your company 20 years forward and come backwords to have clear vision  of how to sustain that long. Since this is a software based challenge what differentiates and sustains this company is choosing the right IT infrastructure and clearly understanding what value can be delivered to customers (citizens, Business Government agencies, Doctors Hospitals etc.).

Here are some important points to remember while developing the software platform.

  1. Very simple user interface with an eye on aesthetics and mindfulness that citizens with no technical background will be using the app.
  2. Minimalistic design such as a single button for citizens to just notify that they have a disease.
  3. Notification of the disease to nearest Health providers and government agencies.
  4. Speech recognition software for Doctors and Government agencies to add further information on the patient’s button click message.
  5. APP features for Health providers should have interface connection to AADHAR(India’s unique Id No), using (IndiaStack is a set of APIs that allows governments, businesses, startups and developers to generate patients profile, geographic locations and all other information)  that allows Government and health providers to plan the logistics in controlling the disease spread.
  6. Planning the use of AI, IOT sensors and Machine learning tools to create a global software platform and integrate it with multiple health and other related infrastructure, scalability of operations, and performance of the software information systems is very essential.
  7. The integrated system should achieve the following goals.
  • Allow citizens to report about the disease and alerting government and other agencies to notice that there is a disease about to spread.
  • Allow health providers , government agencies and others to know about the geographical location of spreading  disease
  • Display the available transportation logistics to reach the location
  • Display the nearest health care providers information, enable users to alert the concerned professionals, collect real time data on the spreading disease using IOT sensors at strategic locations such as hospitals.
  • Allow Doctors to monitor the flow of patients and availability of medicines and support staff.
  • Create a Dashboard for command and control monitoring at the federal and state level with all statistical information related to disease, transportation, location, costs and any other information needed for fast action.
  1. The software should be scalable, adoptable and should have operational efficiency and integration capabilities to future inventions such as Speech Recognition, IOT, Machine Intelligence and Artificial intelligence and integration to health Monitoring equipment’s.
  2. The software should be cloud based and should be hacker proof and should have integration with all payment gateways Example fo Cloud based service providers are 1. Microsoft Azure 2. Amazon Web Services AWS IBM 4.SalesForce 5.SAP

In India top 10 cloud services providers are Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Infosys Limited, Wipro Limited ,Cipher Cloud, CtrlS Datacenters Ltd.

Next Blog will have more deeper analysis on this subject. Thanks for reading. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

The Impact of Automation on present Employees and young graduates

The anxiety of job loss is palpable for several employees from across the industries. Robots, Deep learning, Artificial intelligence has rapidly matured in taking care of most of the work performed by millions of Software engineers or white/blue collar workers.  Automotive and auto parts, electrical and electronic parts, business process outsourcing, textile, clothing and footwear  and retail are some of the industries that already are seeing loss of millions of jobs.

Most of the Banks, financial institutes, brokerage firms  will face closure due to rapid adoption of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin which will affect millions of graduates/MBA’s  wanting to work in financial sector.

There are driver less cars, deep machine learning techniques which can accurately predict diseases (Doctors are you reading this?) and provide medical advices are some examples of how deep the impact will be.

Modern machines, Robots, sensors, Software can now not only do manual routine tasks but also do work that requires cognitive intelligence.

As a result a highly trained radiologist or a specialized software engineer in a company is in danger of being replaced by a Computer software or a Robot that have the cognitive capabilities and can work consistently.

According to a World economic forum report “current trends could lead to a net employment impact of more than 5.1 million jobs lost to disruptive labour market changes over the period 2015–2020, with a total loss of 7.1 million jobs—two thirds of which are concentrated in the Office and Administrative job family” Source:

Due to rapid and wide spread automation, AI, Deep learning and Robots replacing humans,  there will be no requirement of software engineers who are just specialists in any core technologies such as JAVA, Web or RDBMS. Rapid maturity of the above mentioned technologies will have the following impact on employment, present jobs and future jobs.

  1. Around 56% of jobs in industries such as Logistics, Healthcare, banking, transportation etc. in areas HR, Services, deliveries, finance, IT,  middle management jobs (supervisors, managers, Software engineers, clerks, tax experts, bank clerks etc. ) are automated and employment in this areas will be dwindling rapidly.
  2. Other areas of job loss will be are hotels and restaurants (80.7 per cent), wholesale and retail trade (77.5 per cent), construction (70.8 per cent) and manufacturing (61.6 per cent). Source :–en/index.htm
  1. By year 2020 employees will be working with Robots and other intelligent machines as colleagues and they have to take orders from machines to fulfill the remaining work that is not already replaced by the machines.
  2. There will be a situation in many companies, where humans will not be able to get jobs and only robots handle entire company operations. One such live example is Dyson’s automated Singapore plant where 55 robots do all the work that is done by 100’s of engineers.
  3. Infosys an Indian IT giant plans to embrace automation and artificial intelligence, besides other newer technologies. Post-automation of certain operations, Wipro is already in the process re skilling 4500 employees for new technologies.
  4. Few and few companies will visit Universities and colleges for recruiting students (NO MORE CAMPUS Recruitment)  and there is no choice for universities and colleges but to rapidly adopt to changing business needs and adopt to new skills and teach students the same. Otherwise they will be producing huge numbers of Un employed youth that will have a cascading effect on industry and the country’s growth prospects.

Suggestions for Universities, educational institutes, Schools and other skills imparting institutes.

  1. Employees, Students should have the mindset for New skills adaptation and they should always be willing to be learning constantly based on the business needs.
  2. Change the ratio of teaching staff to include Industry experts in the proportion of 60% academic and 40% Industry experts in universities, colleges and schools and make faculty accountable of what skills they impart to students and reward only those who make students acceptable by industry.
  3. Avoid recognizing Marks as the parameter of students success in academics and recognize and reward special skills , creativity shown by students. Allow industry experts to teach students ‘Creativity , innovation and change” and make it mandatory for students to prove they are learning this vital skills.
  4. Eliminate class rooms and replace with Practical labs. Embrace online MOOC classes  and make students to pass the courses designed by industry and academic experts.
  5. Ask students to solve society’s or industry’s problems as part of school, college project submissions. Indian Government as part of engaging citizens has shared some challenges with rewards. Check details here  BTW i participate in some of the challenges.
  6. Change syllabus to include what industry will be needing in coming years. Be Proactive in knowing the skills needed in next 5 to 10 years rather than reactive in teaching present skills needed.  There is a huge requirement for software and hardware security experts by 2020. A report from Frost & Sullivan and (ISC)2 found that the global cybersecurity workforce will have more than 1.5 million unfilled positions by 2020. But the security industry is a fast-growing market.  More details on this report is here.
  7. For those who are working in Software industry or any other sector here is my advice.  Visualize yourselves working with robots, machines only and into next 10 years of your career and work backwards to check what skills will be in demand after 10 years and start learning them right now. If you just know one skills you will be in danger of losing your job pretty soon. Having a diversified skills set is a reward in present job market.
  8. Jobs in areas such as Artificial intelligence, robotics,cyber-security,  building intelligent machines will be on raise and also many traditional jobs that need deep cognitive skills won’t be replaced rapidly and there is scope for job stability.
  9. Because of huge pressure, stress, anxiety in work areas,  individual’s health will suffer which will force for more visits to hospitals. Yoga and meditation will gain tremendous influence in helping those who embrace Yoga and Meditation. I advice young students to start seriously practicing YOGA and Meditation. You can make a career in this two healthy areas.

Finally those who are lifelong learners and who can rapidly adopt to changing job specifications, skills will stay relevant and those who resist change will be side-lined.

Any comments, additions to this article are welcome to do so. Thanks

Creativity , Innovation Life Rings

While doing the MOOC course on Creativity , Innovation and change we are asked to prioritize the 5 most important life activities to cover all our responsibilities. The course expects us to be creative while presenting our solutions Here i created life rings and a Poem to describe what matters most to me. Let me know your thoughts.


A poem on my Life Rings.

The new career choice in imparting knowledge and skills

The Life ring of new career switch is a thrill.


The ERP software gave me a wonderful career tapestry.

This life ring fulfilled my life’s dreams and fantasy


To work in the community service is a challenging affair

This life Ring reminds me to have a dedication to fulfill kids who aspire.


The Entrepreneurship is a reflection of my business needs.

The Life ring will stands as the memory of fulfilling the same with concrete action deeds.


The family is dear to me and all my efforts finally merge to   keep them hale and healthy.

This Life ring is a conclusion of my life’s meaning which is always remains as plenty.


Reverse engineering Resume

I was helping one of my master students with his resume preparation and felt that I should write a blog on how job candidates should make their resume appealing from an employer’s perspective.

Before you start your resume you should put your imagination to work. You should think you are the recruiter and interviewing a candidate. What answer are you expecting from the candidate. As recruiter you will ask questions to the candidate as follows

Why are your skills right for this position?

Tell us more about your last job?

How are you going to add value?

What is your work ethic?

Tell us three adjectives that would describe your attitude?

What about your weaknesses?

Why should you matter to us?

Where do you want to eventually live and settle?

Where else are you looking and why do we stand out in your set of choices?

Are there any reasons why you would not take this job if it were offered?

I have written a book “Interview questions with answers” which have 80 more questions with answers so that all branches of engineering and MBA candidates can use it to prepare their Resume.

When you are reading the questions your mind also thinks of what answer you expect from a candidate.

Now let’s take one question from the above Why are your skills right for this position? “

Depending on job requirements you can have variety of answers for the above questions. 

Let’s assume the position is a Software engineer and expected skills are soft skills , Java, web and mobile technologies. …

One answer is : “My skills of java code will enable a process and quality improvement,  if implemented in a manufacturing firm production facilities”


If a Mechanical engineer has to answer the above question he/she can  consider this sample answer: “my deep understanding of engine technologies (let’s say hyrdolics )  made me to come up with new engine improvement ideas that would be helpful to the company and my knowledge of software coupled with Domain knowledge makes me productive right away “

Look at the answers I wrote. These answers enables you to understand whether your skills and subject knowledge is enough to meet the expectations of the recruiter. In your skills and abilities section of resume you can put exactly what kind of end results you can provide by using your java or whatever you learnt. . By clearly reverse engineering the end results of your training’s and skills you can put the same in your resume and your resume stands out from other candidates very well.

By answering other questions that matches your skills and abilities you can make a resume with end results in mind to clearly mention the benefits you can provide for a recruiter.

If you want more advice you can contact me.. Happy job hunting…





A new Proposal to Modernize farming In India and end Farmer suicides.

Climate change is the real game changer for this initiative. Small and medium Farmers are not equipped to deal /understand planets changing food habitat. I wrote about this way back in 2011.

The new idea to solve the problems of farmers is as follows.

Milestones that can be achieved : Banks spared from Loan losses, rural employment, Evolution of new business models, increase in soil fertility, crop yields due to scientific farming methods, agri-soil data analytics,  climate analytics, productivity gains in food supply logistics, new startups possibility and rural villages will thrive. Reduction/Elimination of corruption in agricultural activities .


Small and medium farmers are succumbing to the enormous amount of debts, rising cost of living and failure of crops due to drought or excess rainfall or due to bad quality seeds and poor farming practices.

Banks stopped giving fresh loans, the government reimbursements end up paying old debts, fertilizer prizes are skyrocketing and private loan sharks loot whatever is left with the poor families of the farmer.

Banks targeted loan payments is 15, 000 crores but they disbursed just 6000 crores according to a regional newspaper article (link provided below).

Even if farmer succeed to raise crops the middle men robs the profits by paying a fraction of the amount and making bumper profits from the sales of the farmers yields in the open market. This is because all these small farmers do not have the financial leverage to store their produce nor to take it to the markets and sell.

On top of it the politicians use the situation for their advantage in the form of short term popular policies to garner more votes. They do not sincerely show empathy, passion to solve the problem.

Even if they announce policies with good intention there is no strict follow up to the end and in the name of these policies political and middle men swindle more money. In a nutshell there is no proper planning/auditing till the “LAST MILE” in everything the Government does constantly for ever.

The consequences: Due to above factors and many other reasons farmers are attempting suicide and families are coming on to the roads.

The situation is grave in many southern states such as Andhra Pradesh, Telangana   India.

In regional newspaper ( ) the following statistics are given about the farmers suicides.

In the above states since 1997 till 2013 the suicides have risen from 1097 to 2014 and during 2015 there are around 1000 suicides.

The situation is becoming worse for the farmers who feed the nations billions of people.

The present solution:

Government implements popular measures of reimbursements, short term help to farmers in the form of subsidy and other methods. All of the present methods are short term solutions without any substantial benefits to the farmers for long term.

The policies of the government appears as a reaction measures only not preventive measures.

Opposition parties try their best to gain sympathy for more votes for their future elections from this fiasco.

The failure of the present solution

Some of these reimbursements end up with several rich farmers, politicians, their coterie of gangs and fake account holders who capitalize on these more than the real farmers who needs them. The whole system of reimbursement is full of looting and exploitation by some vested interests starting from the politician to influential people in the society.

The same thing happens in several other infrastructure developments, where government money is spent. These cartel of powerful politician, businessmen and their coterie of gangs make the most of every developmental work in India. The results of the infrastructure development is of low quality work and creates bad image about the country to outsiders.

The new solution:

To solve the vexing problem I propose the following solutions.

The gist of the proposal is to change the language and the perception of problem definition in order to get a right solution.

I redefined this problem from a corporate perceptive and framed my question of the problem. The question is now reframed as follows.

“How to sustain a business for long term while solving the present challenges”

By focusing on the problem in several other form of questions as above I could come to the following solution. If implemented this will solve several problems, country like India faces.

My purpose is to bring agricultural practices to a level playing field across the country with global best practices implemented with grassroot realities and development.

  1. Under national skills development program train students/ others who are interested in Agriculture to modern farming methods sourcing the best practices from countries such as Israel.
  2. Educate the farmers to outsource their lands for a fixed amount payable quarterly or half yearly. The land still belongs to them but the work is outsourced to professional farming companies. Pool all the small and medium farmers’ lands together to make a large agricultural land available for large scale farming with most modern methods sourced from across the globe.
  3. Use the trained students / others / owners of the farm lands to work in the fields with the best international practice implementations. Pay for their work as regular salaries or for a fixed price. Job creation for rural youth.
  4. Rope in venture capital funding agencies, businesses and global equity / money market funds and encourage them to invest in agriculture with tax benefits for the investments.
  5. Allow start up entrepreneurs work closely with cultivators to come up with new apps, products , services , storage facilities, logistics and other closely related works with venture funds made available for them.
  6. Support start-up companies that handle the logistics of preserving the food grains , transporting food till it reaches every house hold.
  7. Let government not involved in the whole supply chain logistics including the Last Mile but make sure to monitor strictly the whole process with regular checks and cross checks.

Benefits from the above method:

  1. Farmers are assured with fixed incomes from their lands.
  2. Banks need not take the burden of non-payment of loans nor they need not allocate huge amounts for loans and end up with NPA’s (Non-performing assets).
  3. Government need not spend huge amounts on reimbursements
  4. Eliminate middle men, brokers from the food supply chain.
  5. Provide opportunities for start-up business to flourish which will in turn gives more employment to rural youth.
  6. Land pooling will help in producing more and diversified crops with yields better than segmented pieces of lands cultivation.
  7. Misuse or excess use of fertilizers, chemicals, and pesticides can be eliminated since the farming is done by professionals.
  8. Helps in streamlining of food supply chain logistics and encourages ancillary units development in and around the villages.
  9. Local youth will become productive by honing their farming skills in the national skills development program and they get exposure to industry best practices. Solves unemployment and youth turning to crime problems.
  10. Helps entrepreneurs to come up with more start up ideas around agriculture with agricultural e commerce , apps development in ebay like auctions to flipkart like retails sales.
  • Provides opportunity for new business models to evolve from this.


Check this video of the reality of the food problem and other facts about Indian situations .

With further honing of the above idea Government can focus on support and sustenance of the projects and private professional players taking care of the real work. Slowly government can untangle from Commerce /business completely, by gradually outsourcing all the work to outside agencies and that will reduce the corruption in the country to a large extent.

I felt this is the best method to end Corruption in the country because the roots of all corruption starts from powerful politician, businessmen and percolates down to different government agencies.


A big Opportunity for companies and others

Wrote a article on the above title here. Please check

Tips for great presentations

Most of us are not new to the most boring to the most entertaining , educational and motivational presentations we attend.  What we need to learn is not just what is told in the presentation but we should also watch how presenter /speaker is performing his act. That includes Body language of the presenter , the way the topic is covered, what tools and software is used, how they modulate their voices/moods and gestures  and how much they are interacting with the audience.  There are many online resources to tell us how a great presentation should be. Here are some sample of what is good practices of presentations. Search for some outstanding live presentations after you read this blog

1. Your Face.

While presenting you should attempt to connect to the audience in the room by briefly having a eye contact with each of them.  Audience should feel that you are presenting to them. You should also have smile on your face while presenting. Your facial expression are very important. If you look at the roof, or away from audience , that shows your lack of interest or purpose of your presentation and they will loose interest in what you are saying  and they stop listening to you.

2. Your body

Standing like a statue and reciting your presentation will not entice the audience towards your speech. Having appropriate body gestures adds some excitement to your presentation and keeps audience engaged. Moving around the space you have on the podium should be considered along with your body gestures in order to show your enthusiasm for the subject you are speaking.

3.Your Voice

Your voice is most important part of presentation.How you say what you say is most important for any good presentation. Adjust your volume and tone according the size of the room and the number of audience you have. Silence and space between words allows for emphasis and lets your audience catch up with your ideas. Variation in the volume, tone along with body gestures can bring life to your presentations. Avoid words like “Nothing but””, Like ,  ümmm”, Ähhhaa” Érrrr” etc.

4.Your presentation.

Your presentation should be a mixture of your talk, slides, audio and video and what and how you present on the stage. Engaging Audience for long time needs an outstanding mixture of all the above.  Audience will not have eternal focus on what you are saying until unless what you say matters so much for them. You are presenting for the audience’s benefit not to fulfill your desire to be in the limelight.

5.Practice a lot.

Practice helps you to avoid mistakes and  fine tune your language and other skills of presentations. Malcom Gladwell in his book Outliers says that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert. Practice is the mantra for an outstanding presentations.

6.Develop great opening.

The first 15 seconds are enough for audience to make a impression on you. You should use your opening statements wisely to catch the attention of the audience and  to listen to rest of the presentation. Start your speech by talking about something interesting: Give a staggering statistic, ask a question, make a declaration, or use a quote to draw people in.

7.Organize your presentation.

Your presentation should be a smooth flow of speech  as if you are saying a great story to your audience. Your presentation should have an obvious opening, a body, and a conclusion. Your presentation should also have a mixture of pictures, video and limited text. It is you, who is presenting not the power point. Power point slides allow you to stick to a certain flow and end your presentation on time.

8.Connect with your audience

You need to establish a connection with audience. Use a personal story that reveals something about you or your experience to create a connection. If you are a professional then  highlight your background and expertise to make audience feel comfortable that you are going to add value to their time by listening to you.

9.Check the facility.

Make sure before hand that all the hardware, software, mike setting, Lighting and good ventilation is there in the hall. You should avoid adjusting all the above when audience have already arrived. It is better you check the facility and practice on stage to get rid of stage fear before the audience take their seat.

10.Ask for honest feedback.

No one can claim to be the best presenter and there is always plenty of room to improve your skills. So make sure to ask for honest feedback from your trusted friends in the audience and work in fixing the issues.

11. Change the content for next presentation : If you have to present again the same subject matter make sure it is still relevant otherwise update your presentation topics to match what is latest and the greatest .

Hope you will follow the above guidelines and next time if  i happen to hear you present , i expect you remember the above and show that.  Good luck with your presentation skills. As always I’m there to help you to improve.

Free online resources

Here are some great websites that serves your needs. The links include free Audio and video editing tools, movie making tools and internet knowledge sources.  Check the links and use appropriately

1.Audio tools for editing your audio files or  recording one with your voice.

Open culture aggregates all kinds of free online educational resources at one place  a great resource for students…

Internet archive . It is a database for academic purpose. It’s goal is to preserve the internet for generations to come.

Free music online proved access to free music. for those who wants to be a filmmaker

A video editing sites

Free java script resources

Open source java script libraries can help in designing responsive web designs.

Here are some good resources for typography.

credits for all the above links goes to

Google keyword can be used to find who is searching on your website check details here

Are you finding it hard to name your website? Then try this word merge app…

or this one

To know if your would be website name is already taken check here   It will search all the websites to find if some one already took your name or not…

Free excel like tool for IOS

Wireless internet access using LED, Software tool for Disaster areas

Wireless internet data from LED Bulbs

A German physicist Mr.Harald Hass  has come up with a promising new technology named D-light for accessing internet wirelessly using Led bulb

By flickering the light from a single LED, he can transmit far more data than a cellular tower — and do it in a way that’s more efficient, secure and widespread.

It has new applications in hospitals, airplanes, military, and even underwater. Click here to watch his demo at ted.

The findings are already in practice in different forms in many research labs across the globe. Here is a link to what others have found about using the flickering light bulb for transmitting data wirelessly.

Wireless communication when everything breaks down during a disaster.

During a disaster relief agencies depend on satellite phones for communications. But they are expensive to buy and use. Here is a company that came up with a cheaper alternative software code that can be used to communicate information from a disaster zone.

You need to download the software code(free to download) to your laptop or phone and can use in the absence of vital internet access. For extra service like texting you might have to pay a small fees for use. Still it is considered way cheaper than using satellite phones.

The company partnered with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in India, which will help deploy the service in communications-poor areas that have been hit hard by recent cyclones.

Bladeless table fans

Dyson an American company found a way to create a fan that does not have blades and called air multiplier. Dyson’s air multiplier blows a single sheet of air. The slope of wing creates negative pressure around the moving air sheet–thus sucking more air along for the ride. Thus while blowing little air the fan uses less current and gives out more air. Check more here

Jobs if you write code here 


Want to learn some cool visual effects?

Here are some outstanding videos on visual effects. Those who are into game developments and other animation related things you should benefit from these videos. Check them out

Some of the softwares that could help you in the process is a free version of After effects, Windows movie maker and paid versions of final cut pro or Imovie

For sound effects you can use free sound effects from this website

For detonation sounds you can use

Many more videos on affect effect videos can be found here…0.0…1ac.1.gqQgFUOzpgs

Most Anticipated Games for 2013

I felt like writing about the upcoming Games that might be popular this year. Gaming industry offers lots of career opportunities for Engineering and design students.  I want aspiring students to focus on the content, design and quality of the games to know where the gaming industry is heading and where you can make an impact on the world. Education, corporate training’s and many kinds of knowledge transfer’s  are done using games as the medium. Future of language learning or skills training will be imparted using games on mobiles as medium. So brace up for some action and also learn the code behind it to be the hottest programmer and to have a cool, content rich career.

  1. Ni No Kuni:  A Japanese Most anticipated game also called “Another World”  Game rich in content and graphics. More about this here
  2. In justice Gods among us: Developed by studios.
  3. Devil may cry : Developed by ninja Theory for xbox and PS3
  4. Crysis 3 : Developed by
  5. Aliens: Colonial Marines : Developed by
  6. BioShock : Developed  by
  7. Metal gear rising : Developed by
  8. Rayman Legands:
  9. Sim City:

10. Starcraft2: Heart of the swarm:

11. Game and wario:

12. Wonderful 101 :

13. The walking dead: Season two:

14. Grand theft auto  V:

15. Tomb Raider:

16. God of war, Ascension:

17. Army of two: The devil’s Cartel :

18. Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon:

19. Metro: Last Light

  1. 20.  The last of us:

21. Pikmin 3

22. Bayonetta2

23. Star trek :

24. Beyound: Two souls:

25. The Last of US :

Sample of the software that runs behind games Check here :

Imagine cup and Top Information technology (IT) skills for the year 2013

Microsoft offers monetary support for those students who are innovative and come up with great ideas that helps society. Check for details here

some ideas that got prizes are as follows.

The government of India today said there will be a demand of 4.7 lakh cyber security professionals by 2015 for protection of IT infrastructure in the country as well as to serve the export market.

“Taking into account the requirement emerging for protection of information technology infrastructure in the country as well as to serve the export market, a demand for 4.7 lakh cyber security professionals has been estimated by the year 2015,” Minister of State for Communications and IT Milind Deora said in a written reply in Rajya Sabha.

More about the news click here

Computer world’s annual forecast says that the following skills will in demand for this year and coming year.

Telecommunications:Skills in automatic call distribution systems such as  Cisco   UCC = Unifed Contact Centre  (generic) UCCE = Unified Contact Centre Enterprise  UCCX = Unified Contact Centre Express More can he known here and

Web2 skills: Open source software will rule and HTML5 Will be most sought after. Most of the web content is build for computers but not for mobile phones with varying degree of display ratios so there will be a need for Responsive web designs and all the present web2 content need to be made responsive to all kinds of devices moving forward . More about this here

Other software’s such as NoSQL  , R programming, Python, .Net, AJAX and PHP as key back-end skills, with HTML5, XML, CSS, Flash and Javascript for front end design will be in damand.

Data Center-Virtualization skills will be in demand due to cloud computing becoming more and more prominent that leads to  Networking experience in services like VMware and Citrix valuable.

Help desk and technical support in local languages becomes more and more prominent with use of internet via Mobile. Mobile related business, apps, services , games, product information all become much more prominent in coming years;  increasing demand for IT professionals who can master mobile Operating systems, apps related to mobile phones.

Presently many companies are looking  for people who can make their existing data, software available for access thru mobile.

Business intelligence will be in demand  and that will open opportunity for data scientists ( this will be the new job in the market). Analytic software’s  such as R programming, S programming, CRM will be sought after so those who are good in statistics, analytic’s can find plenty of jobs going  into 2013.

Pure water from salt water the cheaper way. Refrigerated by sunlight

Here is a a sustainable and useful idea for those living near the sea to use ocean water to get pure water. A clever design by Gabriel Diamanti gives 5 liters of fresh water from salt water. The method is very simple. He built a clay pot, a solar plate to heat and vaporize the salt water for desalination (vaporizing  salt water) , a metal base and collecting vessel.  Sun heats the salt water and condensation takes place. The water vapor is then collected at the bottom where it is cooler than on the top. This water is pure water and drinkable. Salt and other waste is cleaned out from the top for reuse of the same for more water.  Five Liters of  water can be collected on a good sunlight day. This idea should be made popular in our country since it is very cheap and effective way of collecting pure water in small scale by villagers. The following links gives you the pictures and the idea of how to build one for yourselves.

For more water related resources check the below websites.

For those students who want to do live projects the below resources gives you more ideas. Check them

Refrigeration by sunlight

Science  daily carries a article on how sun’s rays are used for cooling food that is kept in a fridge. The process involves heating water to 200 degrees F and then uses the heat to drive a compressor that lowers the temperature of a refrigerant in the fridge. With very hot climate in India I think this is a good solution of keeping farmers vegetable and fruit crops fresh until they are sold in the market. This method is environment friendly, reduces the usage of electricity to minimum.

I’m hoping that somebody takes this idea to implementation stage. The details about this process can be read at

The MEDISCO project (Mediterranean food and agriculture industry applications of solar cooling technologies) has built several of these solar refrigeration plants in Mediterranean countries where sunshine is plenty.  Engineers are using concentrating collectors to direct the sunlight onto an absorber that heats water. check more details at