You and I

Let us go then You and i

The evening beckons us of great desire

The mood between us is like a fire

The look from you intensifies my admire

The heart is pounding for having an affair

The mind races to take a step to inspire

You and I Let’s go then for reaching the stars

Where I can play your favourite lyrics on guitar

The longing for a union appears like a chocolate bar

The scent from the garden reminds that heaven is not far

You and I, Let’s drape the flowers like a draper

Your dress furls when the wind is your chauffer

You are the epitome of beauty and demure

The relation is a roller coaster tapestry that I love to endure

It’s me and you as  the world around us become obscure

Let us go then, you and I to a world where love and life is pure.

The Goal

The dripping of the rain droplets matches the heart beats

The inhale and exhale is full of exciting whispers

Of the minds intense anticipation of the moment

The eyes are telling stories in abundant

The hard work is the reflections of the commitment

The walk towards the podium is pleasant

The claps of the crowd is a stamp of acknowledgement

The mind is in an uncontrollable state of enchantment

The reaching of a goal is the final stage of fulfilment

The Drizzle of Her Thoughts

I am just like him, he is just like my synonym

When I’m excited, he always quickly reacted

My life reminds me a missed dream, his interest unfolds like a tidal stream.

Friends for me are passing clouds, but his charisma shows no bounds

I’m like slow drizzling rain and he busts like a morning sun shine

My thoughts swing back and forth in dilemma and his actions appears like an enigma.

I’m surrounded by many with attitude and he appears to be lost in Solitude

I’m grounded in reality with a mind of explorer and he is always looking like a Crazy wanderer

I love wearing some exotic cloths of fashion and he loves writing with Passion

My mind always racing to reveal that love is fertile for which he unfolds himself with an artistic style

My Life passes leaving behind the beautiful moment and his always clasp for another enjoyment

My mind is controlling when the heart is revealing but his every action and move are sizzling.

The shadow of his presence is always with me and his wait for the glory arrived with a glee

Within him the memories of the time is like a stream and within me I felt that I am just like him

By RK dated 07/09/2015

Inspiration Strikes

The sight of beauty is when inspiration strikes

The emotional speech is when inspiration strikes

The bonding between souls is when inspiration strikes

The relation building is when inspiration strikes

The deep story of a movie is when inspiration strikes

The sight of a delightful place is when inspiration strikes

The change of a season is when inspiration strikes

The smell of a flower is when inspiration strikes

The school days memories are when inspiration strikes

The dream girl showing up in front of eyes is when inspiration strikes.

The college days and friendships flashing thru mind is when inspiration strikes.

The sight of a big goal is when inspiration strikes

The relentless hard work to realize a dream is when inspiration strikes

The scent of money is when inspiration strikes

The discount sales is when inspiration strikes

Yes there is no boundaries, no time, no matter when and why inspiration strikes.

Failure is not final

During the year of 2006-2007 I was working on some great projects for companies such as Rolls Royce in Sweden and Companies in US travelling between these countries and to India where my family moved. I was so involved in the projects that I did not see the Recession trends that are happening in US economy and did not realize that it will impact our work. 2007 year was worst in US corporate history with many employees laid off. That was tension filled days and every day there were news about employees laid off or company’s closing down. Nortel telecommunication is one such company that closed its operations and many brilliant people are laid off. The people who lost jobs are some of the most brilliant and have potential to start their own enterprises.

Me and one of my good friends had an idea of bringing these laid off people to a single platform and allow them to share ideas so that it can translate to new opportunities for them and new companies can evolve.  So we started a website and outsourced website development work to an Indian company. We did not bother to check the credentials of the company and the company did not give us a good site to start with and we failed badly to start our company in the right way.  We failed to capture that opportunity of starting our own company in US

I know “trying” is more important than “failing”. And when I do make mistakes, I use them as learning experiences, asking, “What did I do wrong, and how can I do it better next time?”

In our life we fail many times. We hear many failure stories of people around us. Some are love failures. Some fail to get jobs, Some failed to learn Languages, Some fail in their jobs and some failed to have good health and some failed in running a start-up company well.  If you look back into history there are so many who failed but have risen to high levels of success.  Apple computer Steve Jobs is one such person.

Failure is not final. It is an awkward, uncomfortable, anxiety-filled portion of your life; it is not your whole life. It isn’t who you are, it’s what happened to you, and once you get that distinction, then you realize, “I can change that. I can come back. I can do again.”

Don’t try to hide your mistakes. Admit them, and then learn and grow from them. When our attitudes are right, failure actually helps and improves us. It gives us a chance to correct our mistakes and sometimes makes us Humble.

Looking back on our experiences allows us to integrate them into our present time, allowing us to act with a little more wisdom .

So when you come across the fortune of failure don’t think that it is fatal or final. It is just one positive step in the direction of successful path that lay ahead to you my friend.. Keep trying and do your best. Let your quality work decide your fate

Here are some Quotes / stories to inspire you

Abraham Lincoln said “Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” And he was a man who knew defeat. He was born into poverty. The only education he received he acquired himself. He failed in business, and he was defeated numerous times before becoming president of US

“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” –Chinese quote

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston churchill

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”  Jim Rohn

William A. Ward said, “Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead-end street.”

Successful leaders don’t avoid failure. They “handle” it –successfully.

The bottom line is that “failing to try” is the greatest failure anyone can experience. If we don’t make the attempt, we cannot succeed.

Checklists regarding passwords

Many websites requires us to register in order to use their services or products such as ebay, amazon, ticket booking sites etc. Many of us already registered on various social websites such as facebook,  linkedIn, youtube and the list goes on depending on what websites you go. Most of us already have email accounts such as gmail, hotmail, yahoo mail. In all these cases you have to remember the passwords that you used on each site. After some times it becomes difficult to remember passwords. So let’s see how we can simplify this problem. Many of us also use the same password on all the services we access online. This makes easy for hackers to go into our important accounts. Avoid easy to guess passwords such as “password”, 12345 , your names etc..

1. Select a word that you can never forget. Some examples are your close friend”s name,  singer name,  actor names or color or parent, or lover or something that you like the most. For example let me select a word  ‘SoftTouch’ . Then let’s say you want to register at Now what I can do is add the first or last three digits from nature to my most remembered word. Now my password will be ‘SofttouchNAT’ or “SofttouchURE’.. To make it safe from hacking or stealing by others now I might add a special character to the password. In the above example I can make my password as ‘SofttouchNAT1?’ by adding a ‘1’ and ‘?’ mark

Remember to select your most memorable word to be of length more than 6 digits so it will be safe from hacking.

2. Another simple way to remember password is jumbling your word with numbers or special characters. Let’s say from above example ‘Softtouch’ I can add 123 in between such as ‘S1oft2touch3’

This makes it difficult to predict your password.

3.Let’s say you love a song so much that you know each word of it so well.  If you have to change password every two months or so this technique will help you to keep going by using a word from the song as your password with a mixture of other characters to make it safe as above.

4. Use two level authentication so that when someone access your account from other computers the service ask you for verification. Here are more details about it for your gmail account. Step 1. Your password. 2. Using the Google Authenticator app available for Android, iPhone, and BlackBerry, 2) via SMS, or 3) through a voice call (meaning you could even use a landline if you didn’t have a cellphone—basically the call would read off the code to you).

Even facebook allows you to have two step authentication to protect you from hackers…

5. You can use password generator services such as Lasspass , keepass, 1password

Remember there are other ways of remembering passwords. You just need to make use of your creative brain.’

Good luck with passwords.

Future perfect when Present is controlled

I happened to read a Facebook comment from a young student who just joined the engineering course saying that they are going to have ton’s of fun during their college life.  Naturally he got so many likes and comments supporting him from his fellow students and others. I felt compelled to write this blog on this topic. There is no doubt or denying the fact that we should enjoy to the full extent during student life. It is the most memorable and fun time of our life. But “100% love” towards just fun, whiling away time, during college life or you have a balanced approach to fun, education and core skills to become a  “Darling”  for your parents, friends, society is what you have to decide.

Time flies just like that.  When you look back to your past after your college life you should not repent the missed opportunities or missed time that otherwise would have helped you to reach your goals and made you feel proud.

John lenon(  a singer once wrote, “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.” (in many cases having fun). It is easy to be busy with many things during the day. Most of us always think about future. We act based on that and there is nothing wrong in that but it is easy to get distracted from greater goals we set for ourselves. Many a times we come across some good ideas or opportunities, seminars, lectures  to help us reach our goals but we tend to ignore them for the sake of fun  or  may postpone the decision of doing something for  betterment, for later years. That becomes a costly mistake.

Many students I know are now repenting that they did not acquire the skills needed for them to get a job. I took classes to hundreds of such unemployed youth preparing them with necessary corporate (employable skills).  It is a costly mistake to pay for the rest of your life if you are forced to work in a company that you don’t like. Your goals and doing what you love to do for the rest of life is very valuable and life long fun and fulfillment.

It is easy to get caught up in distractions during the day-to-day life at college or work. At least once in six months or once  a year though, it is important to look back on what you learned new or whether you are equipping yourselves to reach your life goals.  If you find that you have not accomplished much in the past year remind yourselves that you are going to work more hard this year to achieve your goals. Otherwise you are next in line as millions of unemployed youth waiting for help from somebody to lift thme up.

So you decide. If you are Sincere,  hard working and smart you can control your Fate and God will help you in that matter.

Choice 1.  100% enjoyment in college life and a failure rest of the LIFE.

Choice 2.   Enjoyment +  Learn new skills other than college education +  your engineering subjects  but with 100%  dedication everyday. Success and happiness for the rest of the life.

You decide your future. It’s your life. It’s in your hands.

Here are some thought provoking questions to ask your selves.

Are you planning for your career goals?

Do you really want to make a mark of yourselves or live somebody’s life?

Do you have the courage, skills to achieve more than what you can imagine now?

Think of the founders of these companies. They are all students when they started their glorious journey of success and are now having a blast (having fun) for rest of the life. GOOGLE, Facebook, Instagram,

to name a few.